Welcome to the website of Mousikos Logos
Call for Contributions to Mousikos Logos
Since its establishment in printed form in 2000, Mousikos Logos has been one of Greece’s premier musicological periodical publications. In 2013 Mousikos Logos transitioned to electronic format and has since been serving as the only English-language, peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal for the combined disciplines of Greek Studies and Musicology. It is now overseen by a three-member editorial board with the assistance of an international advisory committee.
To fulfill the purposes of its new direction, the journal particularly welcomes submissions that explore the connections between the two fields—both broadly understood—thus investigating intersections with literature, history, art, politics, economy, and society. Published annually by the Greek Music Laboratory of the Department of Music Studies at Ionian University, Mousikos Logos is indexed in RILM.
See also: Submissions | Current Issue